Daylong Retreat
Resting in Stillness
In meditative training we are taught to cultivate a mind that is clearly present in this moment,
to calm our habits of distractedness and learn to make our home in stillness. We cultivate stillness because the still mind and heart are the source of joy. - Christina Feldman
On Saturday, July 27 th, Brian will lead a daylong of practice, with some instruction and teaching. The practice will again be based on the Anapanasati Sutta – particularly this summary: Knowing Steadying Calming Releasing
Our focus will be on developing a collected stillness, an abode of peace and ease. The practice of Knowing-Steadying- Calming-Releasing will be our support in developing stillness.
Location: USG's (Unitarian Society of Germantown) Sullivan Chapel
When: Saturday, July 27 9:30-4:00pm
Register HERE