Engaged Buddhism

What is Engaged Buddhism?

Engaged Buddhism applies the teachings of the Buddha to social life in order to bring about social change. Engaged Buddhists hope to connect traditional Buddhist beliefs to protest and social action. One way to view Engaged Buddhism is through Thích Nhất Hạnh's "The Fourteen Precepts of Engaged Buddhism", which serve as guidelines for living with a stronger social awareness:

— Thích Nhất Hạnh

 Some local opportunities presented by the Springboard Community

 Some global opportunities presented by the Springboard Community

Buddhist Global Reliefhttps://buddhistglobalrelief.org/

National Domestic Violence Hotline - https://www.thehotline.org/donate/

Oxfam - https://www.oxfamamerica.org/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=oxfam.org&utm_campaign=oi-lightbox_link

Doctors without Borders -  https://www.donatedoctorswithoutborders.org/  

World Central Kitchen - https://wck.org/?gad_source=1

Philabundance - https://www.philabundance.org/

Habitat for Humanity - https://secure.habitat.org/

Zen Peacemakers - https://zenpeacemakers.org/