Where Am I?
A Retreat with Brian Arnell
Saturday, 11/23 11am to 5pm
Join us for a Saturday retreat led by Brian Arnell (Springboard's senior teacher)
The question, “Where am I?”, is a vital component for developing calm and
resilience as we experience the difficulties that arise in this world.
On Saturday, November 23rd, Brian will lead a half-day of practice, with some
instruction and lots of opportunity for meditation. The practice will focus on the
nature of perception as it relates to the question, “Where am I?”
Our focus will be on developing insight into the ways that our perceptions of the
world, and our perceptions of self-identity, are formed. The clarity of knowing
perceptions can lead to a greater ability to make choices that lead to a life of
ease in action.
For more information and to register, click HERE